About Us
Mission Statement
To always service and uplift all students through quality education and skills development programmes, empowering them to develop into successful and contributing members of society.
Aims and Objectives
- To provide quality education to all students that focuses on personal development & offers opportunities for intellectual, cultural, and career development.
- To provide all students with high-quality educators through a process of careful selection and recruitment.
- To establish professional development programs for educators that will encourage them to further themselves professionally.
- To provide all students with quality and accessible resources in their pursuit of academic excellence.
- To meet the demands of the job market by keeping abreast with new developments in education and technology.
- To maintain and develop a working environment that is conducive to quality teaching and learning.
- To preserve the traditional values, standards and individual character of the institution, while adapting to the changes.
- To maintain and develop educational facilities that are non-racial and that will cater for all the students such that all may benefit from the education on offer.
- To further the partnership on which education is based, between parent, educator and student through open communication, commitment and co-operation.